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My Mom

Thursday night, Mom had changed. Her breathing was more difficult, her respiratory rate increased, and she physically looked more gone than here. I asked that the doctor-ordered PRN morphine be given regularly to keep her comfortable.

Friday, 8:50 am, my mom was set free. She leaves a huge hole in my heart, I am lost, but so relieved that she is no longer suffering. It’s over.

I Love You Mom.

3 thoughts on “My Mom

  1. Oh, I am so sorrow for your loss. Mothers are so precious to us and I know you will miss her forever. My mom died with dementia 13 years ago and I am still grieving. I know your Mom is free from pain, suffering, and dementia now and that is a blessing. I go tomorrow to make funeral arrangements for my brother, and I know you must do the same for your Mom. Hugs and love and prayers for your family. I have tears in my eyes as I write this – for your loss and the sorrow it brings. God bless you and your family.


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